Terms & conditions

...websites. We do not monitor or review the content of other party’s websites which are linked to from this website. ...Read More...

Cookie Policy (CA)

...ID Functional Name _gat_UA-* Expiration session Function Provide technical monitoring Name _gat_UA-* Expiration session Function Provide technical monitoring Name _gat_UA-* Expiration session Function Provide technical monitoring Name _gat_UA-*...Read More...

2023 Conference Program

...to quality care for Indigenous peoples. It highlights the need for equity-oriented approaches to care, which must be embedded within...Read More...

2023 Conference Preliminary Program

...will inform low- and high-fidelity prototyping, and will inform the development of potential interventions. Interventions will be assessed by participants. The most successful concept will be recommended forRead More...

The Life Blanket Project

...a small proportion currently receives high quality hospice palliative end-of-life care. With the aging of our population, by 2026, the number of Canadians dying each year will increase by 40%...Read More...


...supporting high quality care throughout the trajectory of the illness and through bereavement. Saying Goodbye Concert How to watch the virtual concert Watch on our ...Read More...