Interior Health is committed to helping you and your family live well with advancing illness in your home community for as long as you wish. Most people prefer to remain in their home for as long as possible, including support to die at home if this is their choice.

In British Columbia, you can access a community hospice bed to receive palliative respite care or to stabilize your symptoms and then return home. Or you may wish to be in a community hospice bed during the last days or weeks of your life as a chosen place to die.

These types of beds are located in free standing hospice houses (where available), or in long-term care facilities where rooms are specifically designed to be more “hospice-like.” Speak with your Home Health nurse to learn the current per diem (per day) fee associated with these beds or your options to apply for a temporary rate reduction.

Interior Health is fortunate to have many hospice societies and organizations within Interior Health. Hospice societies and associations offer invaluable services to their local communities including volunteer support, grief counselling, advance care planning workshops, and much, much more. Here is a list of the hospice organizations within our health care region.

Community Hospice Society / Association
100 Mile House 100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society
Ashcroft Ashcroft & District Hospice Society
Castlegar Castlegar Hospice Society
Clearwater Clearwater & District Hospice Society
Cranbrook Cranbrook Kimberly Hospice Society
Crawford Bay East Shore & Area Hospice
Creston Creston Valley Hospice Society
Fernie Elk Valley Hospice Society
Golden Golden Hospice Society
Grand Forks Boundary Community Hospice Association
Invermere Hospice Society of the Columbia Valley
Kamloops Kamloops Hospice Association
Kaslo Hospice Society of North Kootenay Lake
Kelowna Central Okanagan Hospice Association
Lillooet Lillooet Hospice Society
Logan Lake Logan Lake WHY Society
Merritt Merritt & District Hospice Society
Nakusp Nakusp Hospice Society
Nelson Kalein Hospice Centre Society
Nelson Nelson & District Hospice Society 
New Denver New Denvor Hospice Society
Oliver Desert Valley Hospice Society
Penticton Penticton & District Hospice Society
Revelstoke Revelstoke Hospice Society
Salmo Salmo and District Hospice Society
Salmon Arm Shuswap Hospice Society
Trail Greater Trail Hospice Society
Vernon North Okanagan Hospice Society
Williams Lake Williams Lake Hospice Society