New conversation guide helps doctors discuss end-of-life care with patients

The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has published important findings from researchers with Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network (CARENET) about discussing goals of care with patients in hospital with serious illness. The ‘conversation guide’ is meant to help physicians navigate through the process of end-of-life discussions with patients and families.

It was picked up by many major media outlets:

The Globe and Mail – New conversation guide helps doctors discuss end-of-life care with patients 

Read the CMAJ article (requires subscription) – Just ask: discussing goals of care with patients in hospital with serious illness (subscription required)

These articles focus on goals of care discussions.  They provides links to the Speak Up resources. We have written editorials to a number of the editors who carried the story to comment on advance care planning as an important first step in this process and to direct them again to the national website. It has appeared in two papers so far:

Windsor Star, Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen – Physicians and families should discuss end-of-life wishes

Ottawa Citizen – Physicians and families need to start the conversation

ACP Editorial Letter – Ottawa Citizen, Windsor Star