Services are provided in English. The program/service currently serves all ages. The program/service provides support and/or care for All Conditions, Anticipatory Grief and Bereavement, and Emotional/Spiritual Support.

Overview of Programs and Services:

Residential Hospice, Hospice Visiting, Bereavement Support, Children's, Teen and Parent Bereavement Groups.

Is your program designated as a hospice palliative care program/service?:


What are your admission/referral criteria?:

Valid Ontario health card

How would you answer the following question if asked by a patient, client, resident and/or family? "What can you do for me?":

pain and symptom management at the residential hospice.
supportive care is provided by trained volunteers who provide 1:1 or group support


Animal Therapists:

In Program or Service

Art Therapists:

In Program or Service


Dedicated Staff


Dedicated Staff

Bereavement Support:

Dedicated Staff

Child and Youth:

In Program or Service


In Program or Service

Complementary Therapists:

Upon Request

Complementary Therapies:

Upon Request


Dedicated Staff

Grief Group Facilitator:

Dedicated Staff

Home Support (Homemaking):

Dedicated Staff

Inpatient Facility:

Dedicated Staff


Dedicated Staff

Personal Support Workers:

Dedicated Staff

Pain Symptom Management:

Dedicated Staff


In Program or Service


Dedicated Staff

Physicians Visits:

Upon Request

Respite Care:

Dedicated Staff

Social Workers:

Dedicated Staff

Spiritual/Pastoral Support:

Upon Request

Volunteer Coordinators:

Dedicated Staff

Volunteer Support:

Dedicated Staff