Services are provided in English. The program/service currently serves all ages. The program/service provides support and/or care for the following: Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Infectious Diseases (i.e. HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis-C), Neurological Disorders, Renal Disease, Respiratory Disease, Care for all conditions, Anticipatory Grief and Bereavement, and Emotional/Spiritual Support.

Our program consists of one full time Palliative care coordinator, three 0.8 Palliative clinical resource nurses and 1 0.6 Bereavement Volunteer coordinator. The rest of the services are upon request to other programs. We have a dedicated 12 bed unit for palliative clients in Brandon hospital. No palliative physicians or other team members directly staffed under palliative care. Upon request means we can request service from other programs.

Overview of Programs and Services:

Palliative care program

Is your program designated as a hospice palliative care program/service?:


What are your admission/referral criteria?:

Individuals diagnosed with a progressive, life-limiting illness that cannot be cured

How would you answer the following question if asked by a patient, client, resident and/or family? "What can you do for me?":

Palliative care is a commitment to whole person care that helps to relieve suffering and improve your quality of life. We can help you and your family with physical care, emotional needs, pain and symptom management, spiritual care, cultural needs and end of life planning


Animal Therapists:

Upon Request


Upon Request


Dedicated Staff

Bereavement Support:

Dedicated Staff


Dedicated Staff


Upon Request


Dedicated Staff

Home Consultation Services:

Upon Request

Home Support (Homemaking):

Upon Request

Inpatient consultation:

Upon Request

Inpatient Facility:

Dedicated Staff

Music Therapists:

Upon Request


Upon Request

Nursing Visits:

Upon Request

Occupational Therapists:

Upon Request

Personal Support Workers:

Upon Request

Pain Symptom Management:

Dedicated Staff


Upon Request


Upon Request

Physicians Visits:

Upon Request


Upon Request

Respiratory Therapists:

Upon Request

Respite Care:

Upon Request

Social Workers:

Upon Request

Social Work Counseling:

Upon Request

Speech/Language Therapists:

Upon Request

Spiritual/Pastoral Support:

Upon Request

Volunteer Coordinators:

Dedicated Staff

Volunteer Support:

Upon Request