Services are provided in English. Ladysmith is a division of the Duncan area.
Call intake for all programs 250-739-5749 or 1-877-734-4101
Overview of Programs and Services?
Long Term Care Case Manager – assessment of need for assistance in the home, referral to other HCC services & Adult Day Care or admission to Assisted Living or Residential care. Referral: Self, family or practitioner/clinician by calling Intake in Nanaimo.
Home Care Nursing – nursing care in the community – dressings, teaching, palliative care and assessment and referral to other clinicians. Referral: Self, family or practitioner/clinician by calling Intake in Nanaimo.
Home Support - Assistance (e.g., bathing) for eligible clients who have health care needs as a supplement to support self/family care to allow the client to remain in their home. Referral: Home & Community Care clinician
Therapeutic Services - Home assessment, education and treatment. Stroke Rehab program. Staff: Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist. Referral: Self, family or practitioner/clinician by calling Intake in Nanaimo.
Adult Day Services
Day program for eligible adults – mostly seniors – to provide social, physical and mind stimulating activities as well as respite for caregivers. Includes education, treatment and assessment by clinicians as appropriate. Transportation available. Hours: Monday – Friday as per individual assessed need. Referral: Home & Community Care Case Manager