Past Initiatives 

CHPCA has worked diligently to advance quality hospice palliative care since 1991, undertaking many significant and influential initiatives through the decades.  

The Aviso logo in red on top of an image of four people with their arms around each other, standing in a line and looking at the sunset.

Active 1992-2022 


CHPCA’s former member-only magazine was published semi-annually from 1992 to 2022. Over 30 years, AVISO evolved as hospice palliative care and CHPCA grew and changed, moving from a printed newsletter to a digital publication with over 90 editions.  

In 2023, CHPCA replaced AVISO with a new open-access blog: The Palliative Approach, where you can find a selection of archived AVISO articles. 

The Saying Goodbye Virtual concert logo beside a picture of a guitar.

Active 2020-2021 

Saying Goodbye Concerts

During the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of Canadians were unable to say goodbye to their dying loved ones due to visitor restrictions or couldn’t come together to grieve through funerals or celebrations of life.  

Through music, the Saying Goodbye Concerts provided a way for Canadians to grieve together, to connect, to honour their loss, and to heal.  

A casket with a blanket draped over it.

Active 2012-2015 

Life Blanket Project

To help challenge public sentiment and attitudes towards death and dying, CHPCA brought together notable Canadians for the Life Blanket Project. Collaborating with the Toronto School of Art, they worked alongside artists to create a blanket inspired by their life experiences. This unique piece serves as a symbol of life-affirming art rather than one associated with grief, death, and fear. 

The Living Lessons logo on a yellow background with the words "About quality of life for the last stages of life" written underneath it.

Active 1998-2013 

Living Lessons

The Living Lessons campaign, developed in partnership with the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation, encouraged open dialogue on death and dying in Canada. Resources, such as a hospice palliative care info line, educated Canadians about hospice palliative care, and the options available to patients and their loved ones who are facing terminal illnesses.

The Way Forward

From 2012 to 2015, The Way Forward project published several foundational and ground-breaking reports and recommendations to improve access to hospice palliative care through community integration. Community integration had been identified by leaders across the country as being key to improved access to care, including the Quality End of Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC – now the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada), the Pallium Foundation, CHPCA, the Honorable Sharon Carstairs, and several Senate Committees.  

The National Framework 2015 

The core of The Way Forward initiative, this document guides healthcare professionals, health systems leaders, and others as they adopt an integrated palliative approach to care. 

Hospice Palliative Care Lexicon (2014)

This lexicon of terms is designed to help those interested in implementing the integrated palliative approach to care develop a common language and understanding. 

Impact and Lessons Learned (2015) 

The Way Forward helped identify and share best practices in integrating the palliative approach to care into all care settings.   

Quality Improvement Environmental Scan (2013)

This environmental scan documents quality frameworks, standards, measures, indicators, and instruments being used internationally to support the delivery of palliative care in the community. 

Public Opinion Survey Report (2013) 

Harris/Decima conducted a quantitative online survey of 2,976 Canadian adults. Data were collected between July 5 and August 7, 2013.  

Discussion Papers

Discussion Papers

Review of Parliamentary and Senate Reports (2012) 

Discussion Papers

Palliative Approach to Care (2013) 

Discussion Papers

A Palliative Approach in Chronic Disease Management (2013) 

Discussion Papers

Innovative Models (2013) 

Discussion Papers

Family Caregivers (2013) 

Discussion Papers

Economic Review (2012) 

A close up of pair of hands clasping a red plastic heart.

Healthcare Professional Research 

Primary Care (2014) 

The Way Forward, under the direction of CHPCA/QELCCC commissioned Ipsos Reid to conduct a research program. 

Read the Full Report     Read the Key Messages 

View the Survey Infographic   View the Attitudes Infographic 

Oncology Survey (2014) 

Read the Full Report    



The Caregiver Voice: Consultations with Family Caregivers (2014)